BArch (Hons) MArch PGDip ARB RIBA
Since joining Edwards Architecture in 2015, David has been the lead designer on a range of high profile projects within both the residential and older persons sector. He has an excellent amount of experience in both the public and private sectors, specialising in extra care, sheltered housing, care homes, retirement village and assisted living scheme. David has also been involved with many listed buildings, including Beddell House, Sherburn, a grade II listed extra care in Durham which was shortlisted in the Conservation and Regeneration category at the CENE Awards.
David is experienced in all areas of leading building projects, from initial feasibility and developing a brief, through to planning, tendering and construction processes and on to practical completion. He has also worked previously in other architectural practices specialising in residential and master planning. David has a strong interest in heritage buildings and is currently studying to become a member of the AABC.